Welcome into my world

From Paris to Melbourn, to Sydney to New York, life is a big symphony! Try to make some noise and be thankful for everything! Ot Azoy!

mercredi 30 octobre 2013

But who is Ita Malka?

Once upon a time in a beautiful orange kitchen from the early 80's, were sitting a grandma and her little daughter. The little girl didn't want to eat. She claimed for a story instead. Please tell me the one when you cross the demarcation line. You have to know that the little girl knew the story by heart. But it did not matter it was a really good story. 
So says the gradma: "i had to take off my yellow david star from my coat when i was on this train taking me to Vierzon. Then I met the lady that helped me cross over the line. It was a dark night and the german soldiers were up on the bridge. We had to be careful and quiet because each moves could cost both our lives. But what happened, asked the little girl? We managed it and when i was on the other side of the bridge i cried , i couldn't stop. 
But where were you going to? the little girl asked. To Avignon, into the  free zone to meet your great great grand father who had managed the journey. And then I met your grand father, I fell in love with him and I could eat jams a lot thanks to his mum. Is that what love means? Eating jams? asked the little girl. The grand mother laughed and said " you know we had nothing to eat at this time so everything was good".
But where was your mum? the little girl asked. Why were you on her own at 18 dealing with such "tsoures" (problems in yiddish).
Finish your dish answered the grandma . I tell you later the story of Ita Malka, your great great grand mother.

Ita Malka means  little queen in yiddish 


dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Festival JAZZYCOLORS: en Novembre, Paris se met au jazz du monde

 Pour l'instant tout va bien, on a gagné une heure de sommeil en plus, le soleil pointe le bout de son nez...Mais en novembre quand il fera froid et gris, vous aurez besoin de chaleur et d'amour!

Alors, le Festival JAZZYCOLORS  est là pour ça! Enfilez vos manteaux, vos gants, vos moufles et allez à la rencontre des pays en musique! C'est la promesse de ce beau festival: plus de 25 concerts dans 12 centres culturels de la capitale! Du 27 octobre au 30 novembre!

Mieux que l'Eurovision, le monde du jazz vient à vous, pour 8-10€ par  concert. Dépêchez vous les places partent vite et certains concerts comme celui de Kellylee Evans est déjà complet...

Mes deux coups de cœur de la programmation:

mardi 22 octobre 2013

Ma librairie Atout Livre, Julien Blanc-Gras et le Silencio!!

Quand je suis revenue d'Australie en juin  dernier, j'avais toujours la tête dans les nuages, la furieuse envie de sauter partout et de repartir très loin!
Alors comme par évidence mes pas m'ont amenés devant ma librairie de quartier Atout Livre ( la meilleure de tout le 12ième arrondissement et je reste objective évidemment!)
Le 29 janvier 1994 j'écrivais dans la cadre du texte obligatoire avant de partir tous groupés à Venise: " Le voyage est aussi possible sans partir. Ainsi des livres peuvent nous emmener dans des contrées lointaines" 
J'avais 14 ans et déjà je lisais beaucoup et ma boutique préférée n'était pas Zara mais ma librairie Millepages (à Vincennes) qui reste pour moi la caverne d'Ali Baba des livres!

A Atout Livres, ils avaient eu la bonne idée de mettre en tête de gondole Julien Blanc-Gras dernier titre paru Paradis avant Liquidation, et celui d'avant Touriste.

Paradis avant liquidation         Touriste

dimanche 20 octobre 2013

An american soprano in Paris! Miss Elisa Doughty! At the American Church -Dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Last year was a though year for me specially around February for lost of reasons... 
But what's good when you are in living in Paris is that lovely things can happen by miracle!

Elisa Doughty is what one of them !

vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Adelaide Cabaret Festival , Mojo Juju, Bar la Féline, Paris

A chaque voyage, un son particulier, une atmosphère... C'est ce que recherche à chaque fois! Etre dans les pas de ces habitants. Donc ils m'avaient tous dit mais pourquoi aller à Adelaide (Australia)? 

There's nothing in Adelaide my cousin told me. Go to Melbourn instead! I asked a guy in a pub in Manly (Sydney) what would he recommend in Adelaide. He looked at me like i was a weirdo and said but why?
So there I was on my own for two days before going to the Great Ocean Road!

I was walking back to my youth hostel  when i looked at a girl who looked exactly like Alice in wonderland except she was south corean, wearing a  badge around her neck... I asked her what it was and why she was running. She told me but The Adelaide Cabaret festival of course! Come with me she said you'll see it's fun! Why not? I had nothing to lose!

The guy I met that night had the best shoes ever It came directly from Melbourn, he told me!

I met great people there but most of all i discovered Mojo Juju! 

Mojo Juju a man? a woman? who cares?! Just good old vibes from the prohibition times! Let's rock!


On the 25th of October, Australia is coming to Paris, Le Bar la Féline (6 rue Victor Talle 75020) Ménilmontant 


Let's be desire...!!!!!

jeudi 17 octobre 2013

Premiers pas

Allez je me lance! 1er pas! 1ers mots lancés sur la toile!
Cette semaine a été l'occasion de faire le point sur mes envies, mes projets, mes prochaines aventures!
Et comme me l'a si bien dit mon ami Pablo "You have to think big Ita!"
Je l'ai écouté et me voilà!
Je vous laisse en musique!
A Byssle

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